Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Web 2.0 Assignments

My Gloster was hard to start at first,but then it began to be fun.  This would be hard for my third graders, but with practice they could do it.  It is awesome to work with.
Mine can be found at...

Animato was my favorite--the video and the music with the cute little pictures.
I want to use this with my class.
view at---

My choice is called Blabberize
This was fun too and i know my students would love to see these talking pictures.
view at

Hope you enjoy these...

Good morning,
  After my comment on games in school.  I am curious--- do any of you use the pogram Success Maker at your schools?  We do, and it is a great at helping students.  We go to lab 30 minutes a day and also have it in our classroom.  Just a thought.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Should Students Play Games in School?

My opinion is that some software games should be allowed in school.  I have my students work on games that are academic and teach skills. Students should not be allowed to play games unless it is teaching more than game playing. I can see how they can motivate students by using graphics in software. The software should be used for problem-solving skills.  Students can discover concepts themselves. I think this is much better than piling worksheets in front of them.  Students should have differential learning and the educational game may reach a student who is not grasping a concept.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Welcome to my Blog

Hi everyone,
  This is a blog I have started for my Graduate studies.  My name is Judy and I am a third grade teacher.