Thursday, May 2, 2013

Hello everyone

  It is hard to beleive this class is almost over.  I have learned many new things.  I hope we follow each other in other classes.  Good luck to you all.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

My top 10 technology tools.

As I look back over the course I have learn there are so many tools to use.  Some of the tools we used like Animoto, Glogster I did know not exsisted. This was pretty awesome to see how they work.  My top 10 picks are. 1. Google Search-for researching information 2.Skype-for communication with friends overseas. 3. Facebook-for a social network 4. Powerpoint- used for presentaions 5. Glooster-tool to construct an interactive poster. 6. Delicious-great tool to keep resources in place. 7.Word-for typing and writing papers. 8. I Pad-Apps for educational tools -- as well as information. 9. Mircosoft Office-for organizing information and writing papers. 10.Pinterest- to help reduce streess learn how to do things and get ideals.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Week 6 Educational Apps

Apps to download. 1. Math Magic is a brain training of games teaching math -- addition, subtraction and multiplication.
2. Reading for Inferences builds comprehension with a game or practice mode. Students read a passage and practice inferring. Stack the States for geography is a app that teaching states and facts. My class likes this alot. 3. Google Earth is to locate places in the world.  Today one of my students used it to locate the city where superman was from.  He showed me the city and the Superman statue.
I learned something today.  I did not know there was such a place. 4.Keynote is an App the is a slide buider to show images of gobal places.  Hope you try them.

My Post

Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 5 Digital Citzenship

Digital citzenship is, most simply, your digital identity and an important and vital part of that is knowing what is right and wrong on the internet. Having a positive attitude while using technology, showing equiette (anything from common nettiqette to how you in general handle yourself.) I believe that in order to keep a good reputation you must show honesty and interegty as a digital citizen.  You should be a person that uses the internet and when writing or blogging about something, someone trustworthy who uses sources with tack. In my profession, instilling good digital citizenship is teaching your students to respect copyright and documentation of sources. I believe that in order to keep a good repetaion is something once you loss it you may never recover it and this is just as true online as in the real world. Being a person of good character is something you earn, both in our world and online.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Week 4 assignment

   As I read the book, the information exibits many kinds of tools accessable for the classroom.  I use some of these in my classroom.  We are a rural school, but we are lucky to have access to some of the latest software. We just received two iPads for our classroom. The students absolutely love them.  We use many Apps such as Math Multiplication and Division, Stack the States, and Reading Comprehension, to name a few. I also use the Apps for math and reading intervention for my struggling students. They read and discovery the Apps they like with my approvaI.

  Microsoft Publisher is used by my students to publish class newsletters.  They tell what we are doing in the class for the week and any special events happening. The students who are bragged on for their exceptional work,  list of weekly spelling, and reading words.  This takes a while for them to type, but it engages the students, and they enjoy the process. We also use Microsolf Publisher for the students who are writing a report on a book they have read or a websight topic they have researched.

   Print Shop Deluxe is used to create cute, bright flyers for class news to prents, schedule, class list and signs for the classroom. I create nine week awards for A and AB honor roll, end of the year awards, student of the month and good citizenship awards to name a few.

  There are so many tools avaliable to use. I want to use more in the classroom as I contiune to find and learn about them.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013