Monday, April 15, 2013

Week 5 Digital Citzenship

Digital citzenship is, most simply, your digital identity and an important and vital part of that is knowing what is right and wrong on the internet. Having a positive attitude while using technology, showing equiette (anything from common nettiqette to how you in general handle yourself.) I believe that in order to keep a good reputation you must show honesty and interegty as a digital citizen.  You should be a person that uses the internet and when writing or blogging about something, someone trustworthy who uses sources with tack. In my profession, instilling good digital citizenship is teaching your students to respect copyright and documentation of sources. I believe that in order to keep a good repetaion is something once you loss it you may never recover it and this is just as true online as in the real world. Being a person of good character is something you earn, both in our world and online.


  1. Hello Judy,

    I agree with you. When information is put out there for everyone to read, it spells somehting about our character. I remeind my students of that almost every day.

  2. Respect is certainly a quality that has to be earned. And although, it is difficult to obtain,it is very easy to lose. One irresponsible post can have everlasting consequences.

  3. Digital citizen is an important aspect when it come to the internet. We need to learn how to respect people on the internet.
