Thursday, April 25, 2013

My top 10 technology tools.

As I look back over the course I have learn there are so many tools to use.  Some of the tools we used like Animoto, Glogster I did know not exsisted. This was pretty awesome to see how they work.  My top 10 picks are. 1. Google Search-for researching information 2.Skype-for communication with friends overseas. 3. Facebook-for a social network 4. Powerpoint- used for presentaions 5. Glooster-tool to construct an interactive poster. 6. Delicious-great tool to keep resources in place. 7.Word-for typing and writing papers. 8. I Pad-Apps for educational tools -- as well as information. 9. Mircosoft Office-for organizing information and writing papers. 10.Pinterest- to help reduce streess learn how to do things and get ideals.


  1. I agree about the smartphone. What did we do without it for so long?

  2. I agree that google search is a must. When I research anything, I use google search. Microsoft Office is also a must.

  3. I love Pinterest! There are so many great resources. It's easy to get overwhelmed. I'm addicted!
